Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hey there~~

Hey Guys!

Nothing much is happening today~ so I guess I found time to post here! Yipeeee.
I'm working on various pictures for my story blog, the Half Dogs' Tale, which I should probably post soon! :D I'm also thinking of making a dA account...what do you think??

Anyway, because this is pretty much a lazy day and all I have accomplished so far is cleaning my room, I thought I would share something that one of my friends posted on HER blog that I found really inspirational and amazing. ^-^

Her name is RainbowRider, I'm sure you've heard of her...she's pretty awesome! Anyway, she posted a few weeks ago about an article she'd read on Yahoo about a hoarder and animal abuse. It's really horrible what people do to their animals, and this is just another sad example of it.....

" As you know, many dogs that are left abandoned on the streets are taken into shelters where they are taken care of and can be adopted. Many dogs are adopted from animal shelters every day, and even more are rescued from the streets or abusive homes. 
But some dogs don't find an owner in time. You see, if animal shelters get too full and run out of space for more dogs, some of the dogs that are taking up too much space and haven't been adopted have to be euthanized, or put down. 
This, unfortunately, happens a lot. Many dogs loose their lives because they aren't adopted in time. They never get to know what it's like to live in a loving home with loving owners who take care of them. 
Something terrible has recently happened in California. An article on Yahoo! news explains it all. Click here to read the article. 
Anyways, this animal sanctuary hoarded 130 dogs. The unfortunate dogs had been living there for years without proper food, medical attention, or love. They have been rescued for now, but the shelter that took them in doesn't have enough room for them, and many dogs might have to be euthanized soon. (Many have already been put down because of medical issues.)
So, there you have it. It is terrible what is happening to God's beautiful creatures in the world today. Dogs and cats being abandoned on the streets with no one to love them and care for them. Wild animal's habitats are being torn down because of our high demand for resources such as wood or land for new office spaces and other such buildings. Sea creatures are dying because they mistake our trash that we have thrown into the water as food. 
Humans have destroyed more than half of the Earth. Animals are suffering because of our selfish ways. Is this really what the world has come to? Killing innocent creatures because we want more land for what--office space? Casinos? Businesses? NO! It's not right. At this moment I'm sitting here with my precious little cat Allie who means the world to me, and wondering what would have happened to her if my dad hadn't picked her up from the animal shelter. Would she have been one of the ones who were put down? She was only a kitten of 5 weeks when we got her. Would she have only lived to be 6 weeks old, living only to see the evil that the world has to offer? If my dad hadn't picked her up from the animal shelter, would anyone else have even cared to adopt her and show her some love? 
So, really, what has the world come to? 
You think about it. All I'm trying to say to you guys is that we need to make a change. We need to stand up for the creatures in the world that need us. If we're not willing to step up and help, than who will? Will all of these innocent animals just be left to suffer and die? 
I'm sorry if this post upset you a little bit, but I couldn't just stand back and not say anything after reading this Yahoo! article. We need to make a change. And we need to do it now. "

Click here to read the rest of her post

Isn't it horrible? I really couldn't have said it better myself. It really is horrible what people do to animals, even when they do nothing to harm us. On Sundays, I have started helping out at a local shelter, and it has really opened my eyes to what these animals have been through. We get at least one new dog every week, each carrying their own horrible story. All I'm saying is give animals a chance. 
Some of them really need it. 

That's it for today! Thanks for visiting!

~ Pippen


  1. If you join dA, tell my your user and I'll watch you! :D

  2. Thanks for re-posting! :D
    I think that it's really important for more and more people to read this, especially since most people don't even care to read sad dog stories on Yahoo. Take my parents for example. My dad only reads the articles about sports and my mom reads the articles about celebrities and "what they've been up to". I hope that with me and you sharing this with other people, it will open others eyes up and show them that animals all over the world really do need our help.
    Thanks again for re-posting! I really appreciate it! :)

    1. Oh no problem! It was my pleasure.
      And your totally right, this type of cause needs more awareness. People just don't care anymore, and it's really sad :C
